Results for 'ʼĀkā Muiʺ Sū'

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  1.  6
    Buddha e* ʼĀrha tanʻ phuiʺ: Buddha e* cī maṃ khanʻʹ khvai mhu myāʺ kui leʹ lā khraṅʻʺ.ʼĀkā Muiʺ Sū - 2023 - Camʻʺ khyoṅʻʺ, Ranʻ kunʻ: Sāʺ ṅayʻ Cā pe.
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  2. Explikácia: metóda a forma.Lukáš Bielik - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (3):235-252.
    Explikácia patrí medzi kľúčové metódy analytickej filozofie. V tejto práci predstavujem návrh explicitného odlíšenia metódy explikácie od jej výsledku. V nadväznosti na prácu Rudolfa Carnapa sa snažím jeho explikačný projekt rozvinúť. Poukazujem na otvorené problémy Carnapovych kritérií adekvátnej explikácie; ukazujem, v čom sa explikácie od definícií líšia, aká je ich logická forma a ktoré explicitné kroky sú typické pre metódu explikácie. Napokon, približujem dôvody, pre ktoré je možné explikáciu chápať ako reláciu nahradenia medzi významovou charakterizáciou a definíciou určitého druhu.
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  3. Śrīmattoṭakācāryaviracitaṃ Śrutisārasamuddharaṇam. Toṭakācārya - 1972 - Ṛṣikeśaḥ: Śrī Kailāsa-Āśramaḥ. Edited by Vidyānanda Giri.
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    The university of the future: Stiegler after Derrida.Constance L. Mui & Julien S. Murphy - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):455-465.
    Higher education has not been spared from the effects of the disruptive aspects of technology. MOOCs, teach bots, virtual learning platforms, and Wikipedia are among technics marking a digi...
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  5. Vedāntāmr̥tacidratnacaṣakaḥ.Acyutaśarmā Moḍaka - 2015 - Puṇyakhyapattane: Vasanta Ananta Āpaṭe ityanena prakāśitam. Edited by Supriyā Mahājana & Acyutaśarmā Moḍaka.
    Work on Vedanta philosophy with Āmoda autocommentary by Acyutaśarmā Moḍaka, active 1813-1825.
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  6. Enduring Freedom: Globalizing Children's Rights.Constance L. Mui & Julien S. Murphy - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (1):197-203.
    Events surrounding the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States raise compelling moral questions about the effects of war and globalization on children in many parts of the world. This paper adopts Sartre's notion of freedom, particularly its connection with materiality and intersubjectivity, to assess the moral responsibility that we have as a global community toward our most vulnerable members. We conclude by examining important first steps that should be taken to address the plight of children.
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  7. Bevroren metaforen.Jos de Mui - 1986 - Krisis 22:70-94.
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    Against Cartesian Dualism.Constance Mui - 1991 - Southwest Philosophy Review 7 (1):35-45.
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    De Schrift, het dogma en de dogmatiek.J. Muis - 2003 - HTS Theological Studies 59 (3).
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    Promoting a Good Death: an agenda for outcomes research –a review of the literature.J. Mui Hing & M. Clinton - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (2):97-106.
  11. The effects of teachers' beliefs on elementary students' beliefs, motivation, and achievement in mathematics.Krista R. Muis & Michael J. Foy - 2010 - In Lisa D. Bendixen & Florian C. Feucht, Personal epistemology in the classroom: theory, research, and implications for practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  12. Sri Sankara vijayam. Toṭakācārya (ed.) - 1966 - Madras: Ganesh.
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  13. Maḥāsin al ak̲h̲lāq.Muḥammad Z̲akāʼullāh - 1975 - Edited by Aḥmad Raz̤ā.
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    Créativité africaine et primitivisme occidental: philosophie esthétique.Jean-Luc Aka-Evy - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La philosophie esthétique connaît depuis une quarantaine d'années un essor considérable, singulièrement dans la tradition phénoménologique occidentale. Elle constitue l'un des tournants majeurs de la philosophie du XXe et du début du XXIe siècle. Elle est devenue l'une des meilleures clés d'analyse et de compréhension des phénomènes humains. Le présent ouvrage se propose donc par ce biais, de fournir un choix représentatif de travaux dans le domaine esthétique et métaphysique relatif à la créativité africaine contemporaine. Il se propose en fin (...)
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  15. Mauta rāṇī dā ghuṇḍa.Kamalā Akālī & Lāla Siṅgha - 1970
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    Sartre's Sexism Reconsidered.Constance Mui - 1990 - Auslegung 16 (1):31-41.
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    Divan Şiirinde "Âb" Motifinin Methiye Unsuru Olarak Kullanımı: Hayretî'nin "Âb" Redifli Kasidesi.Belde Aka - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):423-423.
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    Cikitsayile naitikata.Ār Jayapr̲akāś - 2010 - [Kottayam]: Ḍi. Si. Buks.
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  19. Prabhātanāṃ pushpo.Vaju Koṭaka - 1966
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    Can Christian talk about God be literal?Jan Muis - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (4):582-607.
    This article discusses whether Christian talk about God can be literal. First, it is argued that the meaning of a word cannot be reduced to its use, that metaphorical language is indirect in its use of words, and that the change of meaning of a word by analogical extension differs from the change of meaning by repeated metaphorical use. Next, it is shown that in Christian talk about God, God can be literally referred to by God's proper name, “YHWH,” and (...)
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  21. Mezyad Desert Park. Regeneration of a desert landscape in Abu Dhabi.Jennifer Mui - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:53.
  22.  18
    Batislam, H. Dilek . Divan Şiirinin Benzetme ve Hayal Dünyasından, Kesit Y.Belde Aka - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):707-707.
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    Our spatial reality and God.Jan Muis - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3).
    Modern scientific models of cosmological space and the theological concept of God’s immensity seem to exclude the possibility that God himself is personally present with us humans at particular places in space. Are God and our spatial reality incompatible? Or, is it possible to conceive the connection between God and space as ‘positive’, that is, in such a way that God himself can be fully and personally present with us at particular places in space? This essay explores how this question (...)
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    Onze Vader: christelijk spreken over God.Jan Muis - 2016 - Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum.
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    Smile Mimicry and Emotional Contagion in Audio-Visual Computer-Mediated Communication.Phoebe H. C. Mui, Martijn B. Goudbeek, Camiel Roex, Wout Spierts & Marc G. J. Swerts - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:411451.
    We investigate whether smile mimicry and emotional contagion are evident in non-text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC). Via an ostensibly real-time audio-visual CMC platform, participants interacted with a confederate who either smiled radiantly or displayed a neutral expression throughout the interaction. Automatic analyses of expressions displayed by participants indicated that smile mimicry was at play: A higher level of activation of the facial muscle that characterises genuine smiles was observed among participants who interacted with the smiling confederate than among participants who interacted (...)
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    Semantic determinants of memorability.Ada Aka, Sudeep Bhatia & John McCoy - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105497.
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    Rethinking the creative power of God.Jan Muis - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
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    Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrası Travmatik Belirtiler, Dini Başa Çıkma ve Psikolojik İyi Oluş İlişkisi.Muharrem Aka - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):956-977.
    Depremler, ani ve beklenmedik doğası ile bireylerin hayatlarını derinden etkileyen travmatik olaylardır. Bu tür olaylar, bireylerde ciddi psikolojik sorunlara yol açabilir. Deprem sonrası travmatik stres bozukluğu en yaygın görülen sorunlardan biridir. Bu bağlamda, bireylerin dini başa çıkma stratejileri kullanarak bu stresle nasıl başa çıktıkları ve bu stratejilerin psikolojik iyi oluşlarına nasıl etki ettiği bu çalışmanın ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın kapsamı, deprem sonrası travmatik belirtilerin şiddetini belirlemek, dini başa çıkma stratejilerinin kullanımını değerlendirmek ve bu stratejilerin psikolojik iyi oluş üzerindeki etkilerini incelemekle (...)
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  29. Yi Sŭng-man: t'ongch'i inyŏm ŭrosŏ chayu minjujuŭi ŭi t'ansaeng.Chŏng Sŭng-hyŏn & Chŏn Chae-ho - 2019 - In Chŏng-in Kang, Inmul ro ingnŭn hyŏndae Han'guk chŏngch'i sasang ŭi hŭrŭm: haebang ihu put'ŏ 1980-yŏndae kkaji. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ak'anet.
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    Hanʼguk esŏ Marŭkʻŭsŭjuŭi kyŏngjehak ŭi toip kwa chŏnʼgae kwajŏng.Su-Haeng Kim - 2004 - Sŏul: Sŏul Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
  31. A feminist-Sartrean approach to understanding rape trauma.Constance Mui - 2005 - Sartre Studies International 11 (s 1-2):153-165.
    To many Sartreans, these accounts of the common physical and psychological responses to trauma reflect a familiar view of the self. For Sartre, the self is not an unchanging, underlying essence that guarantees personal identity over time; rather, it is an ongoing project that is founded on our being-in-the-world as embodied freedom, on our concrete relations with others, and, I would add, on our emotions. It thus appears that feminist writings on the effects of sexual trauma could benefit greatly from (...)
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    God our king.Jan Muis - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (1).
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    Victims, Power and Intellectuals: Laruelle and Sartre.Constance L. Mui & Julien S. Murphy - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):35-56.
    In two recent works, Intellectuals and Power and General Theory of Victims, François Laruelle offers a critique of the public intellectual, including Jean-Paul Sartre, claiming such intellectuals have a disregard for victims of crimes against humanity. Laruelle insists that the victim has been left out of philosophy and displaced by an abstract pursuit of justice. He offers a non- philosophical approach that reverses the victim/intellectual dyad and calls for compassionate insurrection. In this paper, we probe Laruelle's critique of the committed (...)
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    Anrede und Anfang. Der Ansatz von Oswald Bayer in der Schöpfungslehre.Jan Muis - 2006 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 48 (1):60-73.
    ZusammenfassungNach Oswald Bayer ist Schöpfung Gottes Anrede an den Menschen. Glaube an den Schöpfer ist Antwort auf das, was Gott uns in dieser Welt zusagt. Schöpfung bezieht sich auf die Gegenwart, nicht auf die Vergangenheit, auf Gottes persönliche Kommunikation mit uns und nicht nur auf unpersönliche Verursachung, auf Gottes aktive und persönliche Gegenwart in allem, das in dieser Welt geschieht, nicht auf jenseitige Transzendenz. Bayer ist darin zuzustimmen, dass die Schöpfung Gottes Gabe und Zusage ist und dass der Glaube an (...)
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    Human rights and divine justice.Jan Muis - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    On The Empirical Status Of Radical Feminism.Constance L. Mui - 1990 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (2):29-34.
  37. Revolutionary Road and The Second sex.Constance Mui & Julien Murphy - 2012 - In Jean-Pierre Boulé & Ursula Tidd, Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Beauvoirian perspective. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Rethinking the Pornography Debate: Some Ontological Considerations.Constance Mui - 1998 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 10 (2):118-127.
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    The doctrine of the Trinity in the early church.Jan Muis - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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    The Implicit Theology of the Lord’s Prayer: A Biblical and Theological Investigation.Jan Muis - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Fortress Academic. Edited by Allan J. Janssen.
    This book interprets and reflects on the conception of God that is implied by the Lord’s Prayer. It explains the epistemic status and ontological implications of the Christian faith in God and proposes a non-essentialist account of central identity-defining attributes of God.
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    Promoting a Good Death: an agenda for outcomes research - a review of the literature.June Mui Hing Mak & Michael Clinton - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (2):97-106.
    Outcomes research is topical in discussions about health-related research. Its emphasis on effectiveness creates an important opportunity for nurse researchers to strengthen the linkages between theory, outcomes research and nursing practice but, before care can be more effective, it is logical to establish patients’ desired outcomes. A thorough review of the implications of this requirement for the care of hospice patients is needed, but is lacking in the literature. Therefore, the literature on a ‘good death’ is reviewed as a step (...)
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    Neuropower and plastic writing: Stiegler and Malabou on generative AI.Julien S. Murphy & Constance Mui - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    A leading critic of the disruptive force of technology in education, Bernard Stiegler saw the counter-effects of artificial intelligence in undermining human agency, autonomy and individuality, rendering the role of education ever more critical. Stiegler believes that our goal is not to abandon technology but to focus our attention on its power and direction in a hypercapitalist economy. While he did not foresee the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (GAI), its rapid acceleration raises important issues for his notion of digital (...)
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  43. Makārim al-akhlāq.Muḥammad Z̲akāʼullāh - 1967 - Edited by Aḥmad Raz̤ā.
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    Alvin Jacob Holloway, S.J., 1926-2004.Patrick L. Bourgeois & Constance L. Mui - 2004 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 78 (2):141 -.
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  45. Dvaita-Vedānta kā tātvika anuśīlana.Kr̥shṇakānta Caturvedī - 1971
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    Happy Family Kitchen II: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Community-Based Family Intervention for Enhancing Family Communication and Well-being in Hong Kong.Henry C. Y. Ho, Moses Mui, Alice Wan, Yin-Lam Ng, Sunita M. Stewart, Carol Yew, Tai Hing Lam & Sophia S. Chan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Yogavidyā-vimarśa: Saṃskr̥tavāṅmayādhārita Yogānuśāsana.Vimalā Karṇāṭaka - 2007 - Vārāṇasī: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālaya.
    Critical study of Yoga philosophy by with reference to Vedic literature, Indic philosophy and Yogasūtra of Patañjali.
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  48. Promoting A Good Death: AN.June Mui Hing Mak & Michael Clinton - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (2).
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  49. Śrīarabindera yoga.Bijaẏakānta Rāẏacaudhurī - 1955
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    A new paradigm in phosphoinositide signaling? (Comment on DOI 10.1002/bies.201100195).Eva Yw So & Alice L.‐F. Mui - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (8):633-633.
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